Sunday, November 21, 2010

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

"I really believe that each of us must care about everyone else's children. We must come to see that the well-being of our own individual children is intimately linked to the well-being of all other people's children. After all, when one of our own children needs a life-threatening surgery, someone else's child will perform it; when one of our own children is threatened or harmed by violence on the streets, someone else's child will commit it. The good life for our own children can only be secured if it is also secured for all other people's children. But to worry about all other people's children is not just a practical or strategic matter; it is a moral and ethical one: to strive for the well-being of all other people's children is right." - Dr. Lilian G. Katz

"Probably the most important single determinant of a child's growth is the behavior of the parents. Lots of research demonstrates that the more involved parents are in the education of their children, the better the children's education and performance. This is true of middle-class children, poor children—every child." - Dr. Edward Zigler

"I'm not here to save the world, I'm here to just make a difference in the community that I'm working in." - Raymond Hernandez, Executive Director for the School of Early Childhood Education, University of Southern California

"It's not all about you, you got to take your ego out of it and figure out what's best for this child." - Renatta M. Cooper, Program Special for the Office of Child Care, LA County Chief Administrative Office


Stephanie said...

I love your quote about how parents' behavior is so important in the development of a child. This is so evident in preschool because most of my students come from home, and it is so obvious which parents have taken an active role in teaching their children before they start school. Unfortunately, a lot of my students have never been exposed to books, numbers, letters, shapes, colors, or writing instruments. I have often wondered why we have to take tests in order to get a driver's license, tests to get a job, tests to do almost everything, but there are no qualifications to have a child and be a parent. I just don't understand.

Michelle T said...

A parent(s) is so important in the development of a child! I see it everyday as an instructional assistant. Parents behaviors either hurt or help the child. I see more hurt then helping the child on a daily basis!

Megan D'Andrade said...

I love your quote from Raymond Hernandez. It is important to start somewhere and your community is a wonderful place. If you begin in your community hopefully you will inspire others to pay it forward whcih will eventually effect the whole world.

JamilahB said...

I couldn't agree more with Raymond Hernandez about making a difference in your community. When you invest your time and efforts to giving back to your community they support you even more.